VOCs oxidation catalyst is widely used in organic waste gas, mainly in the following aspects:


First, application background

VOCs(volatile organic compounds) have adverse effects on the atmospheric environment and human health. In order to reduce VOCs emissions, VOCs oxidation catalysts have been widely used. These catalysts reduce environmental pollution and health risks by catalyzing oxidation reactions that convert VOCs into harmless substances such as water and carbon dioxide.


Second, the working principle

In the oxidation reaction of VOCs, VOCs are first adsorbed on the surface of the catalyst and then react with oxygen molecules on the surface to form harmless substances such as carbon dioxide and water. In this process, the catalyst can reduce the activation energy and accelerate the reaction rate.


Third, application field

1. Industrial waste gas treatment:

- Petrochemical: In the process of petroleum cracking, refining and other processes will produce a large number of VOCs exhaust gas, VOCs oxidation catalyst can efficiently convert the VOCs in these exhaust gases into harmless substances, reducing environmental pollution.

- Pharmaceutical industry: A large amount of organic waste gas is generated during drug production, and VOCs oxidation catalysts are widely used in exhaust gas treatment to ensure environmental compliance in the production process.

- Printing coating: the coatings and solvents used in printing, painting and other industries produce VOCs exhaust gas, and the application of catalysts can effectively reduce the emission concentration of these exhaust gases.

2. Vehicle exhaust purification:

VOCs oxidation catalysts are usually used in automobile exhaust purification systems together with ternary catalysts to significantly reduce harmful substances emitted in exhaust gases, including VOCs, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO).

3. Other areas:

- Home decoration: Materials such as paint and glue used in the interior decoration process will release VOCs, affecting indoor air quality. Although there are few direct applications of VOCs oxidation catalysts in this area, the overall environmental awareness has prompted the use of low-VOCs materials and the development of indoor air purification technologies.

- Environmental protection equipment: VOCs oxidation catalysts are also used in various environmental protection equipment, such as VOCs incinerators, catalytic combustion devices, etc., to improve the efficiency and effect of waste gas treatment.


Fourth, advantages and effects

1. High efficiency: The VOCs oxidation catalyst can efficiently catalyze the conversion of VOCs under relatively mild conditions, significantly reducing the emission concentration of organic matter in the exhaust gas.

2. Energy saving and environmental protection: the catalyst can play a catalytic role at low temperatures, saving energy consumption; At the same time reduce the production of waste, in line with environmental requirements.

3. Strong adaptability: The catalyst can be applied to various types of organic waste gas treatment and has a wide range of applicability.

4. Easy maintenance: the catalyst treatment system is relatively simple in structure and easy to operate; Catalysts typically have a long service life, reducing maintenance costs.


Fifth, Outlook for the future

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection and the increasingly strict environmental regulations, the application range of VOCs oxidation catalysts will be further expanded. In the future, new VOCs oxidation catalysts will continue to emerge, further improving catalytic efficiency and processing capacity. At the same time, the combination of catalysts and other waste gas treatment technologies will also become a research hotspot to form a more efficient and economical combined treatment process.


In summary, VOCs oxidation catalyst plays an important role in organic waste gas treatment, and its wide range of applications and significant environmental protection effects make it one of the important technologies in the field of environmental protection.

Application of VOCs oxidation catalyst in organic waste gas